Hello and again, sorry for the lateness of updates. We mean well, we’re even inspired by friends who update theirs so regularly…but alas, what can I say? We don’t suck but we do lag…
At any rate, things are going well. Karla does not have gestational diabetes. It was a bit of a hassle finding out for sure. Apparently if the tests come back negative you’re not supposed to hear from them. Bogus! One never likes to assume these things, you know? No gnus is good gnus? I don’t think so. So, after a couple of irritated calls, Karla finally got the good news. And that was two or three weeks ago…again, our bad…
She had another check up last Tuesday (Election Day) and the doc said things looked and felt great. We asked her about inducing, something we’ve chatted about. Karla doesn’t wanna be hanging out at work or church, etc when her water breaks and deal with all of that. We’re very much creatures of habit and schedule so our OCD would like things to be as orderly as possible…and then after the boy comes out it’ll all go out the window. The doc said within seven days either way of the due date, if things look good and ready, we can plan to induce. And if not…well, I guess she can wear Depends or something.
We had our first of two showers…er, two weekends ago? Man, we’ve really got to get on top of this thing! Ok, anyway…it was a really great time and we again appreciate all the wonderful gifts and time we got to spend with such good friends. We’re truly blessed over here and we love you guys! You all know who you are.
Ok, before I start getting sappy over here…
Karla is actually feeling pretty peppy in the last trimester, and really the only thing holding her back is a rotten cold that she may have gotten from me (whoops). Her only other complaint would be pain in her “swim suit” area, which the doc says is just her body adjusting for delivery. Turning over at night and getting out of bed to hit the head (which she really doesn’t do very often) has become a bit of an involved situation, but luckily I sleep through most of it, so no worries guys. She’s got a cute “little” baby bump going on and looking at her stomach, it almost looks fake, like a big piece of skin colored plastic, which is a bit freaky. She can now stick her tummy through a door before the rest of her comes out, and that is funny stuff. And as for movement, the funny little frog squirms and punches and kicks and even hiccups pretty regularly. She’s seen him moving a few times beneath her shirt, something I’ve not had the nerve to try and check out yet… “Aliens” anyone?
Well, dinner is close to being ready (broccoli cheese quiche!!!), Karla is playing Ms. Pacman on her iPhone and I’m listening to The Stone Roses while typing this up. It’s a perfect 21st century family setting; all we need is the little guy.
Aight, we’ll holler soon!
we didn't want to at first, but inducing turned out to be pretty cool. the not knowing at the end is killer and super scary if you are working in fear of something happening that will totally embarrass you.
the last couple months were the best with seeing and feeling the baby. freakish, but cool at the same time. william - suck it up and feel it b/c it's really cool and you don't have much longer of this phase to soak it all in. =) oh - the hiccup thing . . . Serif did that too and now gets them still once a day. so funny!
ps - glad things are going better!
My water broke during the night, so that took care of any public "embarrassment" for me. Of course I wondered if I wet the bed at first, but then those contraction started happening and I knew for sure what was going on.
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