William is on a camping trip and I'm home alone with Fox. I don't really get a lot of one on one time so I'm enjoying it. Right now he's in my lap asleep.
Lately he's changing lightning fast -- I feel repetitious saying that. It is worth repeating that the first few months speed by and so many changes happen. It's one crazy ride and I'm trying to savor each moment.

5/23/09 - Fox has been handsy... reaching, grabbing everything in site, succeeding more often than not.
6/03/09 - Fox started making lip smacking sounds. He sucks and acts like he wants some food... either that or he acts like he has peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth. =) We went to Guido's with Sally and the kids and we gave him more lemon to taste.
6/06/09 - Fox put his feet in his mouth. He discovered that this week but this is the date I documented it on camera. Yummy...

On another note, I had the best first Mother's Day ever!!!
Mommy, this is where you change me and put on all my outfits that keep me both warm and stylish. I’m sorry when I sometimes spit up on them (or worse), but I sorta can’t help it right now. But really, you don’t mind, you love helping me along and that makes me love you!
Mommy, this is where you give me a bath, even when I don’t think I need one. It’s just one of the many ways that you know what’s best for me and I always feel so good and snuggly once we’re done and you wrap me up and dry me off and tell me how much you love me. I love you too!
Mommy, this is where you sit every day. This is your spot. This is where I look when you’re away and wish you were here. When you are here I’m very happy because this is where you play with me and hold me and feed me and tell me you love me, and that’s what makes me such a happy baby!
Mommy, this is where you keep the milk that you pump for me. I know it’s not always easy or comfortable to do that, but I want you to know how much I appreciate all the hard work you put into it. Your milk keeps me healthy and makes me feel safe and it makes me feel loved. Knowing that you put so much effort into making sure I feel this way is why I smile when I sleep!
Mommy, this is where you carry all the things I need to keep me happy and secure when we’re out shopping or having dinner or seeing friends. I’m sorry I can’t always predict or control when I’m going to get hungry or have an accident, but the fact that you’re prepared means you understand all of that and since you love me, you don’t mind…thank you for that!
Mommy, this is where you put me to sleep every night. I know I’m growing and getting bigger and will soon not be able to fit here, but I want you to know that it will always be my favorite place to sleep because when I wake up and I can look over and see you sleeping -- you are so pretty and so sweet and I’m sorry when I have to cry and wake you, but it’s only because I want you to hold me so much (and I’m a little hungry too)!
Mommy, this is your car and I’ve only been in it once. I can’t wait until I’m bigger and can ride in it some more. Please be careful when you’re going places, always wear your seatbelt, always use your turn signal, always look out for those big, mean, scary SUVs and always remember that I’m here with a smile waiting for you when you get home!
Mommy, this is where you sit and eat dinner. I’m looking forward to joining you when I’m bigger, but for now, please eat lots of healthy good foods so that I can get stronger faster and join you that much sooner in my highchair. I promise to only throw foods I don’t like, and never, ever at you…because you’re my mommy and you’re always so good to me!
Mommy, don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing in here when the door is closed and the fan is on. I’ve heard you say you DON’T do this sort of thing, but that’s just you being funny and it makes me laugh. Don’t you wish you could wear a diaper like me and someone could change you? No? Good, ‘cos that would just be silly!
Mommy, this is where you keep some of my neat clothes. Since I can’t read yet I don’t know what any of them say, but I’m sure it’s all nice stuff, right? I love it when you dress me because even though it’s not always fun, you’re always smiling and laughing and trying to make me feel better about it…and that makes me smile and laugh and feel better!
Mommy, this is where I’ll sleep when I get bigger. I sure am going to miss you when I’m in my own bed in my own room, but I want you to know that it’s ok, that it’s just part of me growing up and that I’ll be fine in here, so don’t worry about me. Do you promise? Ok, that makes me so happy!
Mommy, this is what you use to turn on all my favorite shows. I really only have one that I like a lot, but I’m sure there are others I will enjoy too. I can’t wait to get bigger so that we can go to movies together and everyone can see me out with my pretty, sweet, wonderful mommy. They’ll all be jealous ‘cos I have the best one ever!
Mommy, I’m sorta tired of this swing. Ok, thanks!
Mommy, this is where you wash all my bottles and all the things that you need to pump your milk so that I can eat when you’re not around. I just want you to know that I appreciate you getting up extra early and staying up extra late to mke sure that I have the best in everything. I’ll be on solids one day, don’t worry!

Oh my gosh! No wonder you had tears in your eyes at each note! They weren't even for me and I'm tearing up! Sob! Those are SO great and what a great son you have to express his feelings so sweetly. ;)
Loving the photos too. He is just too cute and the fauxhawk couldn't look better on him. I love it and he's got the perfect hair for it!
Fox, Serif says hey . . . or really I guess he says 'squeal'!). hehehe.
did i mention how adorably cute this kid is? i keep coming back to the blog to just look at him. he's so cute! what great photos and fun expressions!
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