Just a quick hello and an update. Karla had an appointment on Tuesday and everything is good. Her next appointment is in two weeks and then it's every week, etc after that. Overall she's doing well but has been having problems sleeping the past few nights, mainly due to intense nausea and/or indigestion. The past two nights she's thrown up and it's actually helped her get to sleep.
I'm not sure if she wanted me to divulge that or not, but there it is...
The little guy has been really, really active the past few days and my guess is he's ready to get out here and start mowing the lawn. That's what I'm hoping anyway.
Other than that, we've worked on organizing the baby's room, sorting through clothes and gadgets and gizmos, trying to get everything strategically placed, which means we'll probably rearrange everything after he gets here. But it's all good. We still haven't decorated anything really, but that will probably come in the next couple days or so.
We still have a month plus until the actual due date and it really seems like a million years away, but I know it'll get here before we know and then someone will be pushing and someone else will be sweating and then a little bit o' awesome will grace the world.
So, with that in mind, I'm gonna go listen to The Birth of Cool.
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