Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Messy Eater

Crab rangoon anyone? Fox will share.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Into EVERYthing!!!

I think I left a cookie in here...

Never can find a ziplock when I need one...

He's still not walking really but who needs to walk when you can still get most anywhere you "need" to be on all fours? And don't even get me started on "bed time."

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Working from home...

Here's a sample of what I deal with on a daily basis working from home with a 1 year old. Honestly, he's pretty easy to manipulate (yes, manipulate) most of the time, and will let me know when he needs something...like food.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Almost there...

Over the weekend Fox took his first steps. It was a very small yet momentous event that made all present smile and clap and say "Yay," but none as much as the Tink-Man himself. He was very proud. Further attempts to repeat the act have mostly fallen short due to a lack of interest on his part ("Yeah, dude, I've already done that..."), but he's definitely on his way there.

In the meantime, enjoy this video recorded a couple of days ago. Though he's not walking, he was in the midst of a rampage of destruction (notice the fallen vacuum cleaner and general mess) and at the time practicing what will definitely be a future chore for him...using the hand-held sweeper. The music is compliments of Ratt (obviously).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy First Birthday!!!

So the day has finally arrived. Fox is officially 1 year old! I've had a busy day but wanted to post before it was over. We're busy getting ready for his birthday party and there's still so much to do!

Here's a picture of our 1 year old!!!!